
MDCD is in business solely to protect and serve the interests 
of Maryland, District of Columbia and Delaware Broadcasters.

MDCD is a strong and respected Association that enjoys a great deal of support from its member stations; however, the Association cannot be truly successful unless it can count on the support of every station in the state. MDCD needs to be able to include your station(s) on the membership roster in order to be fully representative of the area broadcast industry. When Association representatives lobby in the state or Washington on issues of importance to every broadcaster, they need to be able to tell state and national leaders that they speak on behalf of EVERY broadcaster in the state.


Licensed commercial radio or television broadcast stations in the states of Maryland and Delaware and the District of Columbia; 

Persons, firms or corporations directly related to the broadcast industry, as approved by the Board of Directors.


MDCD members receive exceptional advocacy, information, career development and networking opportunities.

Education:  Seminars to help strengthen management skills by addressing topics such as advertising law, political  broadcasting, license renewal, broadcast sales, First  Amendment and news gathering law, media law and  employment.

Advocacy:  Congressional meetings & State Leadership Conference Meetings.

Legal:  Alternative FCC Inspection Program, Legal Hotline & Legal Reviews.

Publications & Website:  Quarterly newsletter, Political Advertising, Open Meetings  Law, A Candidates Guide to Political Broadcasting; Job Bank and access to the Members Only area of this Website.

Click here to fill out online Membership Application